I liked your group - It was like taking a trip around the world - South America, Africa and Europe all in 30 minutes!
The energy of your group was infectious - I "caught" it - like you catch a cold - but in a good way! I haven't enjoyed listening to a vocal group as much in a long time. Also - your enthusiasm was at a level high enough to come through the speakers, which is kind of rare for a recording! Roger Treece
hi, sisters.
so nice your version to my "mama africa". i am very happy. great honor. thank you very much. nice voices and propose. Chico César
Io ho lavorato con queste ragazze (o devo dire signore?) e sono stato contento, perchè è un gruppo che non canta, semplicemente: loro, le signore, sentono... e sentendole, lo sentirete! Arnoldo Foà